Our comprehensive prep course comes with 138 hours of instruction that thoroughly covers all the science, reasoning skills, and strategies you need to master

  • 32 in-class exams and 14 workshops to MCAT-specific reasoning skills

  • No-strings-attached unlimited free repeat policy

  • 200+ passages covered in class under the guidance of an all-star team of prep instructors (the best of the best to teach our live online prep courses)

  • The Personalized Study Plan designed by your own MCAT Coach that keeps you on track and optimizes your prep time throughout the course and right up to test day

In addition to a discount to all MMHS members (ask your execs for the discount code), we offer FREE pre-med seminars:

Applying to Medical School
Practical advice to offer to anyone preparing their applications to medical school.

Dissecting the MCAT
Everything you need to know about this unique test.

Getting into Med School
Best practices to become a competitive applicant.

MCAT Study Plan Essentials
Develop, stick to and fine-tune your Study Plan to ensure peak performance on test day. 

Medical School: An Insider's Perspective
The inside scoop from a recent graduate.

For more information about our MCAT prep courses, visit mcat.prep101.com.

If you're interested in our free pre-med seminars, check out prep101.com/seminars